
Considering new audio equipment is a very personal choice. I’m happy to share my experience with you to help you achieve your goal.

Contact Terry

All links on this page will take you to the manufacturer’s website. Please note - indicated pricing are indicative only, to be conformed at time of enquiry.

Headphone Amps

Allnic tube headphone amps NZ$6,995 to NZ$12,695

Atoll HD - Headphone amp gallery NZ$1,595 to NZ$1,895

MSB Amp gallery NZ$19,000 to NZ$45,000

Sugden Masterclass HA-4 Headphone Amplifier est. NZ$3,495

Phono Preamps

Atoll PH100 Phono preamp est. NZ$1,195

Karan Acoustics - Phono Preamp collection NZ$42,000 to NZ$60,000

Krell K-300p Phono Preamp est. NZ$12,995

PS Audio Stellar Phono Preamplifier est. NZ$6,995

Sugden A21SE Stage Two Phono Amplifier est. NZ$1,595

Sugden Masterclass PA-4 Phono Amplifier est. NZ$4,995

Vitus product gallery NZ$27,500 to NZ$92,995

Phono Preamps - Valve

Accustic Arts® Reference Tube Phono II POA

Aesthetix Saturn series RHEA - hybrid Phono NZ$15,500 to NZ$30,600

Ayon Spheris valve phono est.NZ$55,995

Brinkmann Edison-II valve phono est. NZ$21,995

EAT valve Phono gallery NZ$3,995 to NZ$16,995

Zesto Audio Andros II valve phonostage est. NZ$11,995

Zesto Audio Andros Deluxe II valve phonostage est. NZ$15,995

Zesto Audio AndrosTéssera Reference valve phonostage est. NZ$37,995

Zesto Audio Andros Allasso Step-Up-Transformer est. NZ$6,995

Preamps, Linestages & AV Processors

Accustic Arts PRE-V solid state preamp POA

Atoll Preamplifier gallery NZ$2,295 to NZ$8,995

darTZeel NHB-18NS preamplifier NZ$125,000 to NZ$140,000

Karan Acoustics - Preamplifier collection NZ$38,000 to NZ$65,995

Krell Illusion Preamp est. NZ$42,995

Krell Illusion-II Preamp est. NZ$21,995

Krell Foundation 4K AV Processor est. NZ$22,995

Norma Revo SC-2LN est. NZ$12,995

PS Audio Stellar Gold Preamplifier est. NZ$ 9,459

PS Audio BHK Signature Preamplifier est. NZ$16,500 TBA

Sugden Masterclass LA-4 Class-A Pre-amplifier est. NZ$8,995

Townshend Allegri passive Preamp est. NZ$25,000

Vitus product gallery NZ$24,995 to NZ$110,000

Preamps & Linestages - Valve

Accustic Arts Reference Tube Pre III POA

Aesthetix Janus - hybrid Preamp w/ phono NZ$19,995 to NZ$36,995

Aesthetix Metis - hybrid preamp est. NZ$52,500

Aesthetix Calypso - hybrid preamp NZ$13,995 to NZ$26,995

Aesthetix Callisto - hybrid preamp est. NZ$55,995

Alleno Preamplifier est NZ$249,995

Allnic Valve Preamplifier gallery NZ$16,995 to NZ$33,995

Brinkmann Marconi-II valve preamp est. NZ$20,995

Zesto Audio Leto Ultra II valve preamplifier est. NZ$22,995

Integrated Amps

Accustic Arts Top Power II 200w amp NZ$22,000 to NZ$40,000

Atoll Integrated amp gallery est. NZ$2,195 to NZ$9,995

Copland CSA70 - 70w hybrid Integrated amp w DAC & Phono est. NZ$5,895

darTZeel CTH-8550 Statement 200w amp NZ$79,995 to NZ$84,995

Krell K-300i 150w Integrated est. NZ$17,995

Norma Revo IPA-80 est. NZ$8,995

Norma Revo IPA-140 est. NZ$14,995

Sugden A21 / A21SE Signature Integrated amps est. NZ$5,795

Sugen Masterclass ANV-50 Class-A Integrated Amplifier est. NZ$9,995

Sugden Masterclass IA-4 Class-A Integrated Amplifier w Phono est. NZ$13,495

Vitus product gallery NZ$29,000 to NZ$75,000

Integrated Amps - Valve

Aesthetix Mimus - hybrid 150w/ch integrated amp est. NZ$19,995

Allnic Valve Integrated amp gallery NZ$13,995 to NZ$23995

Ayon valve amplifier gallery NZ$5,995 to NZ$21,995

Brinkmann Voltaire 150w valve integrated NZ$35,000 to NZ$45,000

Copland hybryd Integrated amp gallery NZ$5,895 to NZ$12,995

EAT E-GLO-I KT88 35w valve integrated est. NZ$24,995

Integrated - All-In-One Streaming amps

Atoll SDA - all-in-one Streaming amp gallery NZ$6,495 to NZ$7,995

Krell K-300D all-in-one 150w Streaming amp est. NZ$19,995

darTZeel LHC-208 all-in-one 200w Streaming amp  est. NZ$53,995

PS Audio Sprout100 Streaming + Phono amp est. NZ$3,825

PS Audio Stellar Strata Streaming amp est. NZ$8,250

Stereo & Mono Power amps

Accustic Arts® Reference Amp IV 400w Stereo amp POA

Accustic Arts® Ultra Amp VI 950w Stereo amp POA

Accustic Arts® Reference Mono IV 510w Monoblocks POA

Accustic Arts® Ulta Mono VI 910 Monoblocks POA

Atoll Power amp gallery NZ$2,295 to NZ$9,495

Brinkmann Stereo-II 75w Strereo amp est. NZ$14,995

Brinkmann Mono 150s Mono amps est. NZ$ $28,995/pr

darTZeel NHB-108 est. NZ$125,000

darTZeel 468 est NZ$500,000/pr

Karan Acoustics - Mono amp collection NZ$126,000/pr to NZ$175,000/pr

Karan Acoustics - Stereo amp collection NZ$55,000 to NZ$75,000

Krell KMA-i800 Mono Amplifier est. NZ$139,995/pr

Krell Duo 125 XD Stereo Amp est. NZ$16,250

Krell Duo 175 XD Stereo Amp est. NZ$21,000

Krell Duo 300 XD Stereo Amp est. NZ$25,995

Krell Solo 375 XD Mono Amp est. NZ$47,995/pr

Krell Solo 575 XD Mono Amp est. NZ$64,

Krell KSA-i400 Stereo Amplifier est, NZ$69,995

MSB Amp gallery NZ$57,000 to NZ$280,000

Norma Revo PA 150 est. NZ$14,500

Norma Revo PA 160 MR est. NZ$38.995/pr

PS Audio amplifier range NZ$4,725 to NZ$76,750/pr

Sanders Sound Magtech stereo NZ$11,500

Sanders Sound Magtech monoblock NZ$23,000/pr

Sugden Masterclass SPA-4 Class-A Stereo Power Amp est NZ$12,995

Sugden Grande Pure Class-A Monoblocks est NZ$24,995/pr

Vitus product gallery NZ$26,995 to NZ$315,000

Stereo & Mono Power Amps - Valve

Aesthetix Atlas - hybrid 200w stereo / 300w mono amps NZ$28,000 to NZ$82,000

Aesthetix Dione - hybrid 160w stereo power amp est. NZ$16,600

Alinic Valve Power amp gallery NZ$29,995 to NZ$89,995

Ayon valve amplifier gallery est. NZ$11,500 to NZ$95,995/pr

Vitus product gallery NZ$26,995 to NZ$315,000

Zesto Bia 120 Class A 60w valve Stereo power amp est. NZ$29,995

Zesto EROS 300 Class A valve 150w Mono amps est. NZ$48,995/pr

Multi Channel Power amps

Krell Trio 300 XD Multi-Channel Amp est. NZ$32,995

Krell 4200 XD Multi-Channel Amp est. NZ$21,995

Krell 5200 XD Multi-Channel Amp est. NZ$24,995

Krell 7200 XD Multi-Channel Amp est. NZ$29,995

Krell Theatre 7 XD Multi-Channel Amp est. NZ$21,995