BDR Sound Enhancement Mk4 Pyramid Cone component /speaker isolators - 8pc set

Special Price: NZ$100/8pc set

I have 2x 8pc sets of these excellent high-end cone component /speaker isolators available at give away prices.

BDR Pyramid Cones are perhaps the most flexible component in the BDR lineup and are the basic building blocks of any system.  They are in most cases, the initial interface in a vibration control system, and should be the first pieces utilised in developing your setup.  Remarkably effective on their own, Pyramid Cones greatly enhance the performance of virtually all products.

We have found that different types of components frequently require different characteristics of the same basic structure for optimal performance  The MK4 is slightly more detailed with greater top octave extension, particularly ideal for use under tube related gear but still suitable under most all components.  

 System slightly too warm?  
Add Mk4 Cones for a little extra air and detail.  

The proper placement will significantly affect the performance of the cones so the rule of thumb is the tip of the cone towards the resonant surface.  For example, under a CD transport sitting on an MDF shelf, the tips of the cones should be pointing down.

​BDR Cones are 1" high by 1.618" wide with a rounded tip and 1/4"-20 threaded

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