BAD - Boston Audio Design TuneBlock S component / speaker isolators - 4pc set

Special Price: NZ$100/4pc set

I have 1x 4pc set of these excellent high-end carbon graphite base component / speaker isolators available at give away prices.

Boston Audio TuneBlocks are an award wining line of equipment supports. Made from the same grade of carbon as our acclaimed record mats and finished with the same proprietary sealing process, TuneBlocks offer a level of performance leagues beyond their price.

TuneBlock S
Since the launch of the TuneBlocks line customers have asked about using TuneBlocks with speakers. We're excited to announce a brand new concept in speaker isolation with our TuneBlock S. The "S" stands for "spikes" because the TuneBlock S includes a tough stainless steel insert capable of taking almost any type of speaker spike. Load tested up to 250 pounds per footer, the TuneBlock S can support just about anything out there.

Also by inserting a ball bearing into the top of the stainless steel cup you can use this as an alternative method of isolation for components too.

Based around our Series 2 Standard TuneBlock, the TuneBlock S raises your speaker by only an inch - almost perfectly preserving your current speaker setup. And since these footers simply accommodate your existing speaker spikes, installation is quick and easy. Use these TuneBlocks on any spiked component, including heavy amplifiers. Each TuneBlock S is 2" in diameter, 1" tall, and includes a 0.75" stainless steel insert with a 0.5" countersunk dimple.

TuneBlocks utilise the uniquely low acoustic impedance of carbon graphite to efficiently drain mechanical energy from audio components, while simultaneously isolating the component from the shelf or table supporting it. You'll notice reduced transient smearing and increased resolution through the reduction of the components' noise floor. TuneBlocks also improve localization of instruments and create a wider and deeper sound stage. Use TuneBlocks with CD/DVD/SACD players, DACs, preamps, amps, turntables and even speakers ("S" model) to reveal detail and clarity you haven’t heard before. Unlike some other footer products, TuneBlocks offer gains anyone can hear without leaving a sonic signature of its own.

"...the tonal richness of the music eclipsed the previous standard set by the combination of Stillpoints on a Symposium Acoustics Svelte Shelf."…….Rick Becker -

Each block is machined from a billet of high purity carbon graphite (not molded carbon fiber) and contain between one and seven cubic inches of carbon, depending on the model. Once shaped, the blocks are finished using our proprietary sealant applied with an automotive-quality spray finishing system. The stationary bearing is used as a coupler between the component and the carbon block. This concentrates the weight of the component into a small area, allowing vibrations to be more efficiently drained into the carbon block. Equipment does not wobble on the bearing like other designs.

"They were audibly superior to the previous feet, adding a general clarity and better soundstaging that made the Sony player [$299] - when playing an identical multichannel SACD to one in the $2200 more expensive Integra player - sound nearly identical."…..John Sunier - Audiophile Audition

All TuneBlock products now ship with tungsten carbide bearings as standard equipment. Tungsten carbide is harder and denser than any readily available material (steel, aluminum, ceramic, etc.) and is more efficient at channeling vibration from the component into the graphite.

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